My Medium posts

From time to time I gather and post some stuff on Medium. That does happen way less often that I would like to, so hopefully this blog place will be an additional incentive to post more 🤞.

Until then 👇 some of the things I’ve written about.

Me on Medium

How to meld item backgrounds together in RecyclerView.Adapter + GridLayoutManager

2022-05-24 recyclerview grid grid-layout android

I don’t see many tutorials where you would get in trouble when displaying items in a list. But things get dicey when you start to apply a bit more complicated strategies for your use case. For instance, have you tried using ConcateAdapter using adapters in a multiple spans GridLayoutManager? Or just...

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Tinkering around Gradle plugin basics

2022-02-02 gradle-plugin android gradle

From time to time, I get to touch something cool and unusual. This time I got to touch Gradle plugins, which I don’t usually do, apart from applying to the project or configuring it by its extensions. I’m pretty sure I am not the only one with this case scenario. Photo by Danil Shostak on Unsplash T...

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My personal journey to accessibility bot for news content

2021-12-03 java accessibility text-to-speech rss

My personal journey to text-to-speech accessibility bot I’ve had this project sitting in my garage for quite a while. That being said, this is not the only project with this fate as it works well in combination with others. So down below, I’ll expand on one of the tools. The project’s primary purpos...

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Just another work tracker for JIRA — WT4

2021-10-19 jira time-tracking-software worklog productivity

Another work tracker for JIRA — WT4. But better? What is it? Long story short, it’s a desktop application, that helps you out to track work time and synchronize with JIRA work logs. Work tracker application It is no secret, that more and more companies have a culture, where employees are tracking th...

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Challenges of composing RecyclerView with ConcatAdapter in a Grid

2021-10-08 grid-layout recyclerview android apps scrollview

Most of the mobile apps are just nested lists. And in my time, as an Android dev, I’ve managed to make quite a few of those. However, what surprised me is how much of a challenge it may be when you are trying to push list items to more non-conventional ways. Especially, when those ways include items...

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How to burn time as an engineer or how to transfer basic data using QR

2021-05-18 terminal qr-code linux command-line macos

Do you get into a situation, that you think, — “Once i get this working, I’ll be able to use it all the time”? Instead of doing it simply, I tend to go on a long journey of creating a tool that (most probably) no one needs or uses that often. Oh well, apparently this was one of these times 🤷‍♂️. An...

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Just another post of TestNG bag of tricks

2021-04-01 kotlin testing testng assertj gradle

In this post I’ll talk about using integration tests and how to leverage them in testing big batch of input. In my case it was a big batch of documents that are set out for scanning. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash It evolves around an mature technology, that had a fair share of problems running o...

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Holiday clean up or cute versioning in android

2018-12-14 version android version-control

TL;DR; Cool versioning style for android or any project using gradle. Define all versions and dependencies to separate files and use those instead of hardcoding values into project modules. Clean, all in one place and lifesaver whenever dealing with project with multiple modules. Example project 👉h...

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Divide and conquer

2018-07-04 kotlin android android-app-development android-gradle testing

So we have this app which has quite a few moving parts here and there. We also have some complex views. Here is a real life example for you. We have a calendar (which in itself is quite complex and has a bit of calculations). We wanted to introduce *scaling* feature to it. But tinkering it around an...

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Mock factory for Android testing in multi-module system

2018-06-03 android unit-testing android-gradle

Very weird and long title. Let me explain… TL;DR This post explores how to export object creation factory that could be reused through all over the modules in your Android project. To find out, just scroll down to the #solution. The whole story is a bit below. Also, here is the example project on gi...

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